
The website, (firsthub), is owned and operated by Firsthub Ecom Private Limited, having its registered office at Address  136, Arcod Road, Regus Shyamla Gardens, Shyamla Towers, Saligramam, Chennai - 600093, Tamil Nadu, India. Reading these Terms and Conditions of use of our website and our Privacy Policy before you start using the website is absolutely necessary.


Using our service or website, you agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy at all times, without any objection. As we have clearly explained in our Privacy Policy, we may choose to share personal information collected from you with third parties, although we do not sell your information, to serve you better or enable service parties to serve you better on or through our website. If you wish to find more details regarding the same, you can contact us at contact details here.


Thank you for showing interest in using the Firsthub website. We are excited to serve you with the best products and services that will add value to your investments with us.

Use of this site

When you use our website, the responsibility of maintaining the confidentiality of your account and its password to restrict access to your computer is vested on you, the user. You agree to take full responsibility for all the activities that happen under the account that you own with Firsthub or its password. You must ensure that the login credentials of your account are kept confidential and secure from anyone's access by taking the necessary steps. If you believe or have reasons to claim that your account is compromised or is being used in an authorized manner, you must immediately inform us.

You must ensure that all the details you provide us with when you sign up for our services are correct and complete. Also, inform us immediately if any of the details you previously provided have been changed. By accessing your account area on the website, you can find and update most of the information you provided us when you registered. You also agree to use your account for personal uses only and not for any business purposes. When ordering products and services for any business purpose from our website, you can do that by creating an account with us for business purposes.

Firsthub reserves the full right to control access to the website, cancel accounts and edit or remove content on the website without informing you, as we please.


We have a detailed Privacy Policy on our website that you can access to understand our practices regarding privacy and how we use the personal information of the customers using the Firsthub website. All the details we collect from our customers are used according to our privacy policy and in adherence with the rules, laws and guidelines of the land prevailing at the time. You may stop using the website if you have any objections regarding the information you need to share with us.

Using E-platform

You understand and agree that our website is only an online platform that allows you to buy products listed by sellers on our website at a price mentioned therein at any point in time from any location. You also acknowledge that Firsthub only is a facilitator and cannot, in any manner, be a party to control the transactions happening on the website. Accordingly, the contract of sales happening on the website between the customers and the sellers is strictly a bipartite contract entered between the sellers and the buyers on

Access to

As a service provider, we try to ensure uninterrupted service, availability and error-free transmissions of the website, but it cannot be guaranteed all the time as the nature of the internet is unreliable. Therefore, access to the website may temporarily be suspended or restricted to allow us to perform maintenance, repairs or introduction or addition of new services or facilities as required without any notice in advance. We try to limit such instances' frequency and duration as much as possible.

License for Website

Based on your adherence to the Terms and Conditions and paying the applicable fee, if any, Firsthub may grant you a limited license to access the website and use the same for personal use. However, you must not use such access to download or modify the website or any portion except after obtaining express consent from Firsthub or its affiliates, as may be applicable. The license, in any case, does not contain any commercial use of this website or resale of its contents, collection and use of product listings descriptions or prices, derivative use of this website or contents, downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another seller or mining, gathering or extracting data using any tools or robots.

The website or any part of it cannot be duplicated, copied, resold, sold, copyrighted, distributed or otherwise exploited in any form for any commercial purpose unless express written consent has been obtained from the Firsthub services or its affiliates, as may be needed.

Without obtaining express written consent from Firsthub, you may not use framing techniques to enclose any proprietary information, logo or trademark of Firsthub and its affiliates. You may also not use any methods, tags or other hidden text utilized by Firsthub or its affiliates' trademarks or names without first obtaining written consent from Firsthub as needed. Unauthorized usage of the website will immediately result in the termination of the license, whatever Firsthub or its affiliates may grant as applicable.

If you wish, you may include a hyperlink to the welcome page of Firsthub. You may be granted an exclusive revocable and limited right to do so if the link used is good faith and does not demonstrate Firsthub, its affiliates or its products or services in any derogatory, false, misleading or otherwise unlawful matter. You should also not use any proprietary information, logo or other trademarks or graphics of Firsthub without first obtaining express consent written by Firsthub or its affiliates as may be needed.

Your Conduct

When you use our website, you are expected to use the website in such a way that does not cause or is likely to cause any damage, interruption or service restrictions. You understand that you, the user, are in full responsibility and not for all the communication and content sent to the website from your computer. You must also use the website according to the Terms and Conditions are given here and per the laws of the land where you reside.

You must restrict the use of our website from the following:

1.                 Any fraudulent activities or in connection with any criminal offense or unlawful activities prevented by law

2.                 Send or receive any content or material that is not owned by you or is illegal, offensive, misleading, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, menacing, deceptive, objectionable, pedophilic or infringes confidential, trademark, copyright, patent, privacy or any other proprietary information or is harmful to others including minors or promotes gambling or money laundering or threatens the unity, defense, security or sovereignty of India or its friendly relations with foreign States.

3.                 Cause annoyance, needless anxiety or inconvenience to anyone.

The Reviews

Users of our website are welcome to post their comments, reviews and other types of content as well as send their communications suggesting ideas and features they might like, as long as the content of said communications is not delegatory, misleading, threatening, abusive or infringing intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy or otherwise harmful to other parties or have objectionable content or any viruses, political campaigning, mass mailings or commercial solicitation or any form of spam. If any person uses a false email ID to impersonate any person or entity, Firsthub reserves the right to remove, delete, edit or refuse any content or choose to terminate the person's access or use of this website, based on these Terms and Conditions as we wish.

When you post any content on our website unless otherwise explicitly indicated by us, you:

·        Provide us with complete and absolute ownership of the content to use in any format we wish, in any medium, anywhere in the world, without having to pay any royalty or license fee or other types of compensation.

·        Provide us and our affiliates the right to use the name used to submit this content on our website.

·        Agree that the rights that you grant Firsthub concerning such material and content are irrevocable as long as the protection of your intellectual property rights prevails.

·        Agree to forgo your right as the author or be identified as its owner and to object to your right against any derogatory treatment of said material or content.

·        If so wished by Firsthub, you also agree to perform any action or provide any necessary documents or deeds to enforce the rights that you grant to Firsthub as may be required by Firsthub to perfect the same.

·        When you provide any type of content to the Firsthub website, you confirm and warrant that you control the ownership of this content and that the content or material provided to Firsthub as on the date that is provided are;

o   Accurate

o   Not infringing any policies or guidelines of Firsthub

o   Not derogatory or cause any injury to identity or person

o   Lawful

·        Also, agree that, as may be needed, you will indemnify Firsthub, its affiliates, associates and any other party of any damages or liabilities that may arise regarding the breach of any warranties given here against the claims by a third party or its affiliates.

Claims Against Objectionable Content

You may refer to the products details page on the website to find any information regarding the products sold by the seller with respect to the following;

·        The total price of the product, including all applicable taxes, delivery charges, conveyance charges and postage and handling charges.

·        All the mandatory information and notices provided by applicable laws and the goods' expiry date when applicable.

·        Information regarding the country of origin of the products and services to help customers make informed decisions during their pre-purchase process.

·        Details of the importer and necessary guarantees with respect to the genuineness and authenticity of the products imported.

·        Our warranties for such services and goods that are applicable

As Firsthub offers millions of products to customers, you may find various comments and feedback on our website. As we operate on a 'notice and take down' basis, if you find any comment or review that you seem to understand as derogatory, abusive, racially inappropriate, pedophilic, obscene, evasive of another's privacy or dangerous, deceptive, defamatory, misleading, bigotry, deceptive, sexually explicit or pornographic or is otherwise harmful to third parties, you may contact us. Once the notice is sent to us, Firsthub will make all the necessary efforts to ensure that the objectionable content complained by you is removed within a reasonable time.


All the information and the content you see on the website belong to Firsthub, our affiliates or our content suppliers and they are protected under the intellectual property rights, database rights and authors' rights as applicable in India and internationally. Firsthub is the sole and exclusive owner of the compiled content on this website and the same is protected by the international copyright and database rights guidelines and laws prevailing in India and at the international level. All the software we use on our website is also the property of Firsthub or its affiliates or the suppliers providing the software. The same is exclusively protected by international and Indian copyright and author rights laws.

No content from the website shall be used by you in any capacity for any purpose unless first obtaining explicit and express return consent from Firsthub or its affiliates.

Intellectual Property Claims

Firsthub and all its affiliates respect and honor the copyrights and ownership of content and materials of third parties and others. If you have any reasons to doubt that your copyrights or intellectual property rights are used in a way that raises infringement concerns, contact us to take necessary action.


Firsthub and any other marks used on our websites are trademarks registered by Firsthub or its affiliates in their respective jurisdictions. No logo, scripts, service names, graphics, pages, buttons or icons that are the trademarks of Firsthub cannot be used in connection with any service or product that is not Firsthub's in a manner that will cause confusion among users or to cause confusion in the users of Firsthub or damage Firsthub's reputation in any manner.

Trademarks or logos not owned by Firsthub belong to the respective owners.


The website uses one or more patents applying to the website or its features per the patents registered by Firsthub or its affiliates, software suppliers or service providers.


When a user uses our website, the person undertakes and acknowledges that accessing the website and services provided is at their own risk. The user must also acknowledge and exercise prudent judgment before participating in any transaction through the website. The user also acknowledges and undertakes that the user will use the website only to order products for personal purposes and no purposes relating to a business. Firsthub is not responsible and cannot be held liable if any actions, claims, inactions of sellers or any breach of Terms and Conditions, warranties or representations by manufacturers or sellers of the products, in any regard. Firsthub shall not resolve or mediate any disputes arising between the sellers or manufacturers of the products and customers.

We also expressly disclaim any type of representations, express or implied or warranties with respect to the performance, accuracy, quality, completeness, suitability, timelines, fitness, merchantability and legality of products displayed, listed or transacted on the website or the content showed therewith. Although we have taken the necessary precautions to avoid any inaccuracies regarding the content, the website, information of the products, services, software and other graphics provided, we cannot ensure any warranty for the same. Firsthub does not explicitly or implicitly endorse or support the sale or purchase of the production services listed on the website. Firsthub does not have any interest in the products purchased or sold or displayed on the website and we do not have any liabilities or obligations concerning the transactions happening on the website.

Release of Indemnity

You shall at all times indemnify Firsthub and its affiliates and hold them harmless, including its employees, directors, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries and respective offices, from any and all demands or claims or such actions as attorneys fees put forth by third party or penalty imposed or rising out of you breaching the terms of services of any document incorporated by reference or by your violation of rules regulations laws or third party's rights.

You express to agree and to release Firsthub and its affiliates or its officers and employers from all and any loss, cost, liability, damage or any other consequences arising from using the website.

Use of Our Services by Children

The use of Firsthub is restricted to persons who can legally enter into a binding contract as per the Indian Contract Act of 1872. If you are a minor, use our service only under the supervision of a guardian or a parent.

Businesses Operating On Our Website

There are parties other than Firsthub and its affiliates operating on our website providing services, operating stores and selling products. From this, we may also have links to the website of businesses and affiliate companies on our website and we are, at no time, responsible for scrutinizing or examining the content of their websites. We do not endorse or warrant offerings from these businesses or individuals. We do not accept any liability for the products, content or actions of these third parties in any case. When involved in a transaction with us, you can tell if a third party is involved and we may choose to share customer information with the third party. Our customers must carefully read and understand the privacy statements of such parties and the Terms and Conditions of using their services before entering into any transaction with them on our website.


When you access our website, you engage in electronic communication with us. To place an order with Firsthub, you need to provide a valid phone number and we may use email, phone, SMS or notices on our website to communicate with you and any other means of communication we may choose from time to time. For contractual purposes, you also consent us to receive communications from Firsthub that may include transactional, commercial or promotional messages regarding your use of our website or the orders you placed on Firsthub.


Firsthub will not be held liable or responsible for any loss in profits, revenue, data, goodwill, contracts, expected incomes, wasted expenditure or any direct or consequential loss that may not be foreseeable when you use started to use our website to both you and Firsthub.

Changes to Our Terms and Conditions

Firsthub may choose to change its website content, services, products, features or any other information along with the Terms and Conditions of use at any time that we may choose. If you use our website, you are bound by our Terms and Conditions and privacy policy prevailing at the time until a government authority or law requires any changes to the conditions. If any conditions may be rendered void, invalid or unenforceable, that condition will be considered severable and the remaining condition will stay valid and enforceable.

Events Beyond Our Reasonable Control

We will not be held liable or responsible for any sort of failures, delays or interruptions to comply with our service offerings, claims and conditions if such instances occur due to factors beyond our control. However, your statutory rights are not affected by this condition.


We may not sometimes take any actions if you breach these Terms and Conditions. But we may still be entitled to exercise our rights and take necessary remedies in other situations where you breach our Terms and Conditions.

The Governing Law

The Terms and Conditions we have mentioned here are governed and construed upon complying with the laws of India. You consent to submit to the courts in Chennai  , as we do.

Our Details

This website is operated by Firsthub.

You may contact us at :

Customer complaint details

The details regarding the complaints registered by our customers are mentioned in the emails that our customer service team sense back to our customers.

How to Make Claims of Right Infringements

If you have any reasons to suspect that your rights are infringed, you may contact us here to sort out this concern. We expeditiously respond to these claims to get to the bottom of this.

When you send us the notice, upon receiving the same, we may take necessary actions to resolve your concern without admitting to any liability for the said infringements and we may take certain actions that include removing the item or information. By submitting your request, you also grant Firsthub the right to use, publish, modify, reproduce, adapt, create derivative works of, translate and display its content in any media worldwide. We may forward the same to third parties. You also consent to indemnify Firsthub and its affiliates from all types of claims of damages, liabilities or losses that might arise in connection with the submission of the infringement notice.

Please also remember that we are a medium to post third-party seller listings posted at the direction of third-party sellers. You may contact them via their seller contact information from their listing details.

When submitting your notice regarding right infringements, the notice must not be inaccurate, misleading or false information and providing such information may lead to criminal or civil liability. Please contact a legal advisor if you have any concerns regarding the same.

Contact us for more details about submitting the notice and procedures to submit rights infringement claims.

Conditions of sale-Between Customers and Sellers

The following conditions are applicable when you use any current or future services offered by Firsthub.

Conditions Regarding The Sale Of Products To You

These conditions described here relate to the sale of products by us on the website to be purchased by you.


When you place a purchase order for a product on our website, it is an offer from you to buy our products or services. In such an instance, you will receive an email confirming the receipt from us of your order, which contains the details of your purchase order you performed. The order confirmation email we sent is an acknowledgment stating that Firsthub has received your order but does not confirm our acceptance of your offer to purchase the products you ordered. The confirmation of the acceptance of your order will only happen when the product you ordered is dispatched and confirmation via email for the same is sent to you. If there are multiple products in your order, you will get individual emails as the acknowledgment of receiving your order and each dispatch will have a separate corresponding confirmation email as per the orders you placed for its confirmation.

When you order a product or products from us, you agree and confirm that the products are for personal uses only and no business or resale. You authorize us to state the purpose of your orders to any government or legal departments as may be required to state the purpose of the products offered by you on Firsthub on your behalf.

You may cancel the orders for a product at no cost at any time before we send or dispatch the email confirmation relating to the order of that product.

Please understand that the products we sell are in quantities that satisfy the requirements of a typical average household. This applies to multiple products offered within a single order or placing several orders for the same product in which the quantity of the products exceeds the need of a typical household.