Seller Policy

Thank you for choosing to become a seller on Firsthub. This document outlines our policies and guidelines for sellers on our platform. By Joining as a seller on our platform, you agree with all the mentioned policies.

 1.     Seller Account

1.1 Registration: To become a seller on our Firsthub platform, Seller account creation is required with accurate and up-to-date information, including your contact details, business information, GST number, Back details and product licenses.


1.2 Account Security: It is the seller’s responsibility to maintain the security of your account. You should protect your login credentials and promptly notify us if you suspect any unauthorized access.

 2.     Product Listings

2.1 Accurate and Detailed Listings: All products that you are planning to sell must have product descriptions, Product images, Product pricing, and any other relevant information. Misleading or unreliable listings of products are strictly prohibited.


2.2 Prohibited Items: You must stand by our list of prohibited items and ensure that you do not list or sell any restricted or prohibited products on our platform.


2.3. Multiple Listings: Sellers should avoid duplicating product listings or creating multiple accounts for the same products.


2.4 Intellectual Property Rights: You must respect the intellectual property rights of others. Do not list or sell products that infringe upon copyrights, trademarks, patents, or any other proprietary rights.


1.5. Product Reviews: Sellers should not manipulate or encourage customers to provide biased or false product reviews.


 3.     Order Processing and Fulfillment

3.1 Timely Order Fulfillment: Sellers in Firsthub are responsible for shipping products to customers and fulfilling the customer’s orders immediately. Failure to meet the agreed-upon shipping or delivery timelines may result in negative feedback.


3.2 Order Cancellation: Sellers should avoid canceling the customer’s order for any reason. If a cancellation is required, sellers must inform the customer priorly and provide a valid reason for the cancellation.


4.     Customer Service


4.1 Quality Customer Service: Firsthub Seller should serve the finest customer service to customers. Take note of their queries and concerns Instantly and professionally.


4.2 Returns and Refunds: Fulfill our return and refund policies and it has to be communicated to buyers. Process returns and refunds according to the agreed-upon policies and applicable laws.


4.3 Communication with Buyers: Firsthub sellers have to maintain open and transparent communication with buyers throughout the process. Answer buyer inquiries, concerns, and requests at a suitable time and in a professional manner.


4.4. Dispute Resolution: Firsthub Sellers has to work cooperatively with customers to resolve any issues that may appear, striving for a satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.


 5.     Seller Performance and Compliance

5.1 Performance Metrics: Your performance as a seller will be calculated based on various observations, which include order defect rate, shipping time, and customer feedback. Sellers are gratified to maintain a high level of performance to ensure a positive selling experience.


5.2 Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Ensure that your selling activities follow the agreement with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. This is not limited to tax obligations, product safety standards, and consumer protection laws.


5.3. Account Suspension: If a seller fails to follow the agreements with the seller policies or frequently low performance may result in temporary or permanent account suspension.

6.     Policy Violations and Consequences


6.1 Policy Violations: Violation of any of the mentioned policies may result in many consequences, including but it is not limited to warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent termination of your seller account.


6.2 Dispute Resolution: If you have concerns about any policy enforcement actions that affect your account, contact our support team to focus on the issue. Our Firsthub team will sort it out in a fair and timely manner.

7.     Prohibited Activities: 

7.1. Fraudulent Behavior: Sellers are strictly restricted from engaging in any fake activities, including but not limited to price manipulation, fake reviews, or unauthorized use of customer data. 

7.2. Misrepresentation: Sellers must not scam their products or engage in false advertising practices.

7.3. Unfair Competition: To maintain the integrity of the market and protect other vendors, merchants should compete fairly.

8.     Policy Updates:

This Seller Policy is subject to amendment or modification at any moment. Any substantial modifications will be communicated to the sellers, who are then required to study and abide by the new rules. 

Please be advised that breaking the Seller Policy might lead to consequences like account suspension or termination. To maintain a pleasant and successful selling experience on our platform, we encourage all sellers to become familiar with our policy and ensure compliance. 

Contact our seller support staff at if you have any issues or want more information about our seller policy.