HINDI : Gandamasti Urdu:Amba Huldi. In fine powder form. Prescribed for skin health and beutification, this product on regular use improves the tone of skin. Gives a glow but not any yellow tint. Therefore it is patronized by working women and college girls. This is used with greengram or Bengalgram powder 50:50. This is also used for bathing infants to ensure a healthy and glowing skin. Kasturi Turmeric is mostly found in South Asia and has long been used as a natural beauty product. However, the applications of Kasturi Turmeric is mostly limited to external purposes. It cannot be used in cooking as a spice like regular turmeric.
CONTENT : 2 boxes of 50gm Kasturi Turmeric Manjal Powder
Prescribed for skin health and beutification
Gives a glow but not any yellow tint
This is used with greengram or Bengalgram powder 50:50