✅ CURE HEADACHE : Intake of sukku herbal coffee relives the headache and keeps you active.
✅ REDUCE OBESITY : As amla is added with dry ginger take one teaspoon of this powder mix in water, drink morning and evening to reduce obesity.
✅ CURE THROAT INFECTION : When there is throat infection and throat pain take this herbal drink so that it will be cured.
✅ COLD AND COUGH : This acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory food also. As palm jaggery is added drink twice for morning and night to cure cold and cough.
✅ TOOTHACHE and MOUTH ODOR : As The garlic and dried sukku powder is mixed add the powder with water, it can be used for mouth rinse. It reduces the mouth odor and also a pinch of powder is kept in the mouth to cure the tooth ache.
✅ ASTHMA : Tulsi leaves are added with dried sukku powder helps to control the asthma and blocked nose.
✅ PURIFY THE LIVER : To purify the liver add fresh lemon juice 1 spoon along with a spoon of dried Prifo sukku coffee powder in a cup of lukewarm water and drink
✅ PURIFY BLOOD : Dried sukku powder is mixed with honey or made into tea and taken in to remove the toxin and thus purifies the blood.
✅ INCREASE THE IMMUNITY : Dried Ginger Coffee powder one spoon is taken along with enough honey and lemon juice with water daily to strengthen the body.
✅ FEVER : It refreshes the body and down the body temperature by increasing the sweat and thus cures the fever.
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